It can realize the precise and fast cutting of round tube with
Time: 2023-01-16 23:39:15  Visits:

In the future, urban green spaces are expected to play a more important role - to help prevent floods, lower temperatures and boost biodiversity. This increased sustainability focus will place new demands on green space professionals, who will need to learn new skills and use other types of tools. In the future trend report Re:thinking urban green spaces - from Nice to Necessary, Husqvarna has interviewed experts, professionals and citizens in six European markets to find out what role urban green spaces will play in the future, and how this will impact the profession and technical tool development. 

In the future, urban green spaces are expected to play a more important role - to help prevent floods, lower temperatures and boost biodiversity. This increased sustainability focus will place new demands on green space professionals, who will need to learn new skills and use other types of tools. In the future trend report Re:thinking urban green spaces - from Nice to Necessary, Husqvarna has interviewed experts, professionals and citizens in six European markets to find out what role urban green spaces will play in the future, and how this will impact the profession and technical tool development. 
