Absence of small particles
Time: 2023-01-30 23:24:30  Visits:

Absence of small particles

Exact products produce only a minimum amount of small particles to the surrounding air on job sites. This is a tremendous improvement for the air quality. Being a major health benefit to the operator, also others in the same job site minimize the inhaled amount of health hazardous small particles.

According the medical research small particles are very serious risk for your health.

Fire safety

Exact products do not produce excessive sparks like angle grinder. The chips from cutting drops below the saw and stays in the user’s field of view. It is easy to control the chips and avoid all fire risks on the job site.

Light working and minimal work strain

All Exact products are lightweight and easy to handle, move and operate. Most of the heavy-straining work is avoided thanks to the clever concept of Exact gripping unit that is part of every Exact machine.

There is no other machine that is as portable and yet lightweight to use by its concept.


Most Exact machines’ parts are recyclable. Separate recycling of used products and packaging support recycling and recovery of materials. Reusing recycled materials helps preventing the pollution of the environment. According to local regulations it is possible to deliver household appliances to municipal rubbish depositories or to the dealer when purchasing a new product.
