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The initial company was founded in 1993, Headquartered in Finland to this day with offices in the USA. From idea to life – The multi-award winner Exact concept springs from the end users’ desires and was nurtured from the absence of a pipe cutter that could cut pipes accurately, safely and fast – yet being lightweight and portable. Before the introduction of the Exact pipe cutting system there had been no significant innovations in pipe cutting practices for decades. Workers often had to use an angle grinder that is not only inaccurate and slow but is also a fire hazard.

Our purpose is customer-oriented approach in bringing better pipe cutter tools and making pipe cutting easier and more productive. The core of our business model has been based on our customers’ demands from our first product to this day and our whole product development is based on the voice of professionals, your voice. From life to the next level – Now 20+ years and 20 000 happy customers afterwards Exact Tools has developed, and continues to develop, countless solutions to bring more advanced power tools for pipe cutting and bevelling for high demanding conditions.
